Monday, August 23, 2010

New Things

I read about the so-called "language explosion," but I guess I didn't really know what to expect when it actually came. Today alone I heard her say two new words: down and up! It's very cute how she says them, but I'd guess I'd have to record her doing it, because I'm not sure that I could describe it properly. She also has become - seemingly overnight - a master at her puzzle! It's 8 pieces, and I've never really seen her be able to understand the point of it. She'd always just try to put the pieces wherever, instead of figuring out where they belong. Then this afternoon, she dumps the puzzle and puts all the pieces exactly in the right places!

Other words that she is able to say, but I might not have documented properly: hi, bye, mom, dad, yeah, no, yum, bow wow, baa (for sheep), ball, bear (that's another new one), jar, baby, bubble, vroom vroom (her word for car), uh oh, bee, Eeyore, teeth, eye, "A," wow, yay, why, dance, quack quack, yuck, choo choo, "good day," wheee, and I'm sure I'm missing a few. I'll try to fill them in later. She does also kind of say "zizzer zazzer zuzz," which is adorable.

Bye Bye, Summer Vacation

Today was my first day back at school full time. I must say that this was the best summer I have ever had. Anna has become (well, she always has been, but even more so) such an amazing little person. All summer we had little adventures together, which mostly consisted of bebows. It was a very hot summer too, so I guess maybe we didn't spend as much time outdoors as I would have liked, but we always managed to make it to a park or two, and there was lots and lots of good quality time for us to spend together. She pretty consistently woke up between 7:30 and 8:00, then we'd have breakfast, then I'd shower while she played and listened to music, then I'd enjoy my coffee while she played some more. Then we might go out in the backyard, or read books together, or dance together, or sometimes we'd go for a jog and end up at a bebow. Then she'd eat lunch and take a nap from about 1-3:00, and sometimes we'd play at the park before it was time for me to make dinner. It was a really nice routine that we had going, and I'm going to miss it. I'm pretty lucky to have been able to spend such a big amount of time with her, because she is the best little kid in the whole world!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Leaps and Bounds

It seems like every day Anna is doing or saying new things. She knows some new words now: bubble, baby, and jar. I love how she says "jar," because it sounds a little like "daw." Her obsession with Yo Gabba Gabba is getting pretty crazy. She calls it "deah daaaay," which is supposed to be "good day." Of course Auntie Loonie is to blame for this craze, because she's the one who first introduced Ms. B to the characters (Toodee and Foofa, actually). Then I started recording the show on Nick, Jr. and downloading some of the songs. I also managed to find some toys and books for her too. While maybe I'm helping to feed this obsession, I haven't seen any harm in it (plus I, of course, have my own obsessions, so I understand completely!) I'm looking into her being Foofa for Halloween, and possibly Tim as DJ Lance Rock!

Today is an unusual day for us. We're having our plumbing redone, so there's a ton of noise and activity in the house (not to mention no water), so I asked Grampy to come over and help. That way Ms. B is able to get out of the house and enjoy some bebow time while I stay here in case the plumbers have questions or need anything. At least it only has to be boring for one of us!