Monday, September 27, 2010

Now I Know My ABC's

Anna is bound and determined to recognize and say every letter of the alphabet by the time she turns 2. She plays with her fridge magnets constantly, she loves her ABC book, she likes to look at her flashcards, and she loves to play with her wooden alphabet. I tried to keep track of all the letters she was saying tonight, but she's not always consistent. However, the ones I'm pretty sure Anna can say confidently are: A, B, C, G, H, I, J, M, O, Q, S, T, U, X, Y, and Z. Those are the ones that she can recognize without any help, and there are quite a few others that she can say with prompting. Now, I'm really trying not to be one of those parents who pushes academics on her children to prove to everyone how smart she is. She's seeking this stuff out on her own!

Other recent changes are: She LOVES the song "See You in September," which happened to be one of Rabbie's favorite songs! Yay! She gets very excited every time it plays, and when he sings, "Here we are, saying goodbye at the station," Anna inevitably will say, "Buh bye!"

Sunday in church she started talking really loud, and then she put her finger to her lips and shhh'd herself! She did it a couple times, much to the amusement of the congregation (and Mommy).

Anna calls all orange fish "Memo," which of course means Nemo. I have a sneaking suspicion that she learned that one from Grampy.

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