Sunday, October 10, 2010

Good Day!

Last night Anna had an unbelievable experience. She got to see Yo Gabba Gabba LIVE! I have been debating taking her to see it for a while now, because although she loves the show dearly, I was worried that she'd be too young to really appreciate it fully. I'm so glad that I decided she'd love it, because I was right! We took the train downtown, with Anna dressed as Foofa and Tim dressed as (gasp) DJ Lance! We walked to the theater, but Anna still didn't really know what was coming. We sat in the loge, which is the front of the balcony, and Anna was dancing happily to the pre-show music. Then when the show began, she seemed a little confused to see all her friends come to life... and then she was ecstatic! The show was very well done; there were just little snippets of plot that would center around a song, and then they would quickly move on to another theme and another song. They sung familiar, interactive songs that allowed the audience to sing along and participate, and Anna danced the WHOLE time! Even other parents commented about how she must be the happiest child at the show! It lasted about an hour, not including a 20 minute intermission, but poor little Ms. B was so sad when it ended! They released a million balloons right before the end of the first act (during Get the Sillies Out, I believe), so we were able to grab a couple and take them home. It's funny, because as they were coming down I was a little worried that none would fall by us, and no sooner did I have that thought then we got COMPLETELY covered in balloons! At the end of the show I convinced Tim we should get her a shirt, which of course she wanted to wear immediately, and then we had to take the Blue Line (the Metra didn't work out for our outbound trip). Luckily it was a nice evening, because we had a 3 mile walk! We stopped and got Jimmy Johns, so that was good, and spirits were high since Anna was still pretty excited about the show. She ended up going to bed clutching the shirt in her hands, and I'm fairly sure that her world was ROCKED! I'm really glad we took her; it was a great evening for all of us.

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