Friday, April 1, 2011

"I Did It!"

Anna has been making huge strides toward her independence lately. Some of the things she is working on are: taking off/putting on her shoes, coat, and pants, getting in/out of her car seat, and climbing anywhere she possibly can. Whenever she accomplishes a goal, she says very excitedly, "I did it!" It's so cute. Right around Christmas she got the hang of climbing out of her crib, but luckily she only does that on very rare occasions. We told her that all she has to do is call for us and we will come get her, so that has actually worked out well. One thing that hasn't progressed (and maybe has even regressed) is her independent play. It seems like she used to be able to play on her own quite well, but now she always wants me to play with her! It's not a bad thing most of the time, except when I'm trying to drink my coffee! She will bring me a book and demand that I "read it," or she will bring me Jessie and make me hold her and talk like her forever! It's actually a little amusing.

Anna's vocabulary is HUGE now. She is saying full sentences now, can follow complex directions, and has even begun to explore imaginative play. She sometimes will have her dolls talk to each other, which I absolutely love to see develop. To me that pretty much defines being a child.

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