Saturday, December 1, 2012

It's Beginning to Look...

Christmas time is here!  Our little baby will be arriving sometime this month, which is just amazing!  Today we helped pick out Bubby and Bobby's tree (and then decorated it, of course), then we picked out our own tree!  It's always fun walking over to the Y, picking out just the right one, and then walking it home!  We seemed to find a really good one this year too; a Douglas that's got to be about 8 feet tall, and it's nice and dense and very fragrant!  Anna was quite happy with it and very excited.  Unfortunately, time just always ends up running out.  Daddy got the lights on, but of course it takes a while, so we didn't get the chance to put the ornaments on yet.  Anna was disappointed, but she did at least get to help me wrap some of the presents to put under the tree.  She's very good at helping with the tape!  I gave her a few scraps of wrapping paper to practice cutting, although she would have rather helped cut the real thing!  I said no to that though, since I'm a mean mommy! 

Anna has found a new favorite Christmas song this year.  For the last 2 years it has been Jingle Bells, but now it's Deck the Halls.  Not only does she love listening to it, but she sings it repeatedly - and she knows all three verses! 

She has been busy practicing her songs for her very first Christmas program at school, which very unfortunately happens to be scheduled for the 20th.  I really hope I will be able to see it!  She will be singing Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star; Away in a Manger, and possibly We Wish You a Merry Christmas (although she might just be singing that one herself for fun; it's tough to tell). 

This year's Christmas season is very special, of course, and we're already having a wonderful time!

Smart Banana

The time has just flown by, and we've all been so busy the past few months with a million different things.  Anna is just loving school, and she is excelling at it too.  I had a conference with Miss Kochan not too long ago, and she raved about what a wonderful girl Anna is (not that I didn't already know, but it's great to hear it from someone objective!).  She is just so smart, especially when it comes to numbers; with just a little help, she can even count all the way to 100!  She did a math problem this morning too.  I was about to take a shower, and I told her to pick out some books to read with Daddy.  She picked out 3 Christmas books and said she'd pick out 2 regular books.  I asked her how many that made total.  Anna thought about it for a couple seconds and said, "Five!"  It was pretty amazing, I must say.  She's done that before too, but I've never seen her work out the problem in her head like that.  Her 1:1 counting skills are incredible as well.  I hope the novelty of school doesn't wear off anytime soon, because I must say that I do love how much she enjoys it!