Thursday, April 25, 2013

4 Months Old!

Jimmy just turned 4 months old already!  Here is what he is like now...

He's almost sleeping through the night.  He falls asleep sometime between 10 and 11, then he'll wake up once around 3 am, then he'll sleep until about 8 on the weekends (but I wake him up during the week so that I can feed him before I leave).  He'll eat every 2 hours when I'm feeding him, but he only eats 2 bottles during the day.  He hates bottles!  Luckily he at least will take them now.  For a while he'd actually refuse, and it would drive me crazy that he'd go the whole day with barely any food!

Jimmy is a very sweet boy.  He loves his sister!  Anna can always make him smile, especially when she acts silly (which she is very good at).  He gives us big smiles, but he's pretty conservative with his laughs.  His favorite things are silly noises, particularly squeakers from some of his toys and goofy voices.  He also loves Bubby's tickles, which is one of the only ways he will laugh for us!  He's also very stubborn... and not at all easy-going!  I call him my high-maintenance baby!  We're going to the doctor this afternoon to see how he's measuring up!

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