Friday, August 23, 2013


We took Jimmy's (and the Ford Plex's) first trip out of state this past weekend!  We went with Auntie Lynnie and Uncle R2 to the farm.  It was probably the busiest we've ever been there; usually we slow down and take it relatively easy.  We got up there Friday evening, so we pretty much took it easy and went to bed.  Saturday we went to the beach, where the water was really, really nice!  Jimmy was pretty unsure about the whole thing, but he ended up tolerating it alright.  Anna still isn't very interested in getting better/more independent at swimming.  She just wanted to be held the whole time!  But everybody had fun.  We ended up going to a really fancy chocolate place, had a "tasting" (all three of us), and each of us picked out a package of our favorite truffles.  Yum!  Then that evening we had a bonfire and discovered that our bug spray does NOT work.  But Anna loves roasting marshmallows, so she didn't seem to mind too much.  She kept getting up early too!  Luckily Auntie Lynnie and Uncle R2 didn't seem to mind, and Anna ended up getting to help make breakfast, which made her very happy!  The next day we went blueberry picking and got almost 10 lbs!!  Anna picked 1.5 pounds all by herself!  So everybody had a great time, and we're looking forward to going back again sometime!

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