Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Time for School

Unbelievably, today is the first day of school for Anna.  She's going M-W-F from 8-11 am.  This is the first time that she's ever spent away from family!  It was quite an emotional morning for me, that's for sure.  I've been quite nervous about how she would handle it and if she would be okay being around so many other kids.  When I dropped her off this morning at St. Leonard, I was practically pushed away from her, the teachers didn't introduce themselves, and I felt like it didn't start off at all the way it should have!  Luckily Anna was so fascinated seeing new toys and other fun things all around her that she didn't seem to mind.  I went to school to work and try and keep my mind off of her (which didn't work!), and then I nervously went to go pick her up.  She walked out in the little class line with her backpack on, and she saw me right away and gave me a delighted, "Hi!"  My heart skipped at how happy she sounded, and then she ran over to me and gave me a nice hug and told me a little about what she did.  Being 3, she was a bit sketchy on details, and it was difficult for me to tell how certain things she was talking about actually happened, but here are the basics:  she said that she got to color, play with blocks (she said she built a tall tower and something else - I can't remember what, but it was something she's never built with blocks before), play with play-dough ("It was blue!"), sing songs, and have a snack ("It was crackers, and I had them on a green plate!").  I asked her if they sung any songs she knew, and she said they sang Old MacDonald and some other ones she didn't know.  She said that she wanted to play with the doll house, but the teacher told her that she had to go sit down.  I asked her if she followed the directions, and she said yes.  She said that she was nice to everyone, and that made me happy!  I'm glad things seemed to go so well for her, and I hope she can continue to have these fun kind of days! 

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