Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Birthday Girl!

Unbelievably, Anna turned 4 today!!!!  She is such a sweet and special girl.  Here's how she is now:

She is obsessed with Octonauts.  Luckily, I happen to enjoy the show too.  It is, however, a British show (despite being on Disney Jr), so all the "merchandise" is very difficult to find and is pretty much all overseas!

Some other favorites of hers: "reading" books (she can actually memorize entire books and recite them!  It's quite good), doing puzzles (this is quite a talent of hers), balloons, and playing games.  She got a Minnie matching game for Christmas that she plays every single day.  Out of all the times I've played with her, I have won exactly ONCE.  She also loves learning about science-related things, like the solar system.

She has been loving preschool and has fit in very well there.  That makes both of us happy!  She is smart and excels in math.  She can count to 100 with just a little bit of help!  She also learned how to work zippers and is starting to get buttons as well!

My little Anna Banana will always hold a huge part of my heart, and I'm so proud of her.  We had a great day today, despite not really being able to go anywhere because of the bitter cold.  Happy Birthday to my little angel!

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