Monday, February 4, 2013

6 Weeks!

Jimmy turned 6 weeks old yesterday!  All at once the fastest and slowest 6 weeks ever... really, there's no denying that it's a tough time!  He still generally eats about every 2 hours, although once in a while he will give us longer stretches.  A couple nights in a row I actually got 4 consecutive hours of sleep!  Miraculous!  He's been awake a lot more often, especially in the evenings.  He's also been showing us lots more smiles!  He can hold his head up really well too.  Some of his likes are:

Eating.  Duh.
"Running legs."  Seriously, if you play with his feet or legs, it's almost a sure-fire way to calm him down and make him happy.
Bubby and Bobby; no matter what, they've always been able to make him happy!
Dance parties!
His swing and/or blue bouncy seat... but only if he's in the mood.

Not eating!
Tummy time (he did like it for a while, but it seems like that phase is over!)
Church!  At least the last couple weeks...

The thing is, when Jimmy gets agitated, often there's just no way to console him!  He can be a pretty tough baby!  Lucky for him he's cute :-)

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