Saturday, October 5, 2013

Baby (not) on the Move

Jimmy's 9-month birthday has come and gone, and the crazy little boy is still not mobile!  I know that one day I will look back on this and think, "Why on earth was I in such a hurry for him to move?!"  But as of right now, it is quite a surprise.  Tim and I did notice today that he is able to lunge and sort of slither forward.  He is quite unconventional and inconsistent with how he gets around.  Jimmy's interest does seem to lie mostly with standing.  He's getting marginally better; slowly but surely he is able to stand a little better, but he doesn't seem to understand that he can't stand on his own yet!  Sometimes he just lets go!  So, in any case, Jimmy's road to mobility is definitely a slow one!  We'll see what ends up happening with his "walking" progress...

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