Monday, October 14, 2013

Fright Fest!

Jimmy got to go to his first Fright Fest yesterday!  Anna went to her first Fright Fest 4 years ago, and it was a little different than this time around, I'd say!  Jimmy does not appear to be a thrill-seeker like his sister; she loved all the rides she went on, but Jimmy seems mostly content to just watch the rides.  The only one he seemed to really enjoy was apparently the "Krazy Kars," which is probably because he got to have a steering wheel to turn.  For the most part he was happy during the day though, because there was so much for him to see I think he must have been entertained.  Anna was in her element and rode as many rides as we had time to do.  There were so many people that we didn't get to ride as much as we wanted (I really wanted to ride the Whizzer, but it was just too long of a wait).  We did, however, get to ride the Dark Knight together, plus a lot of the little carnival-type rides.  Us adults also got on Raging Bull, Giant Drop, the Eagle (backward!), and by a last-minute fluke, the new X-Flight.  While we ran right onto that one, Anna and Uncie Eye managed to run onto the last Demon ride of the night.  She was so excited about it, even though it went upside down (she was terrified to go upside down, but she absolutely loved it)!  So it was a long, tiring day, but it was lots and lots of fun!  We were very glad to get to spend time with Uncie Eye too!

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