Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Trick or Treat!

We had a very wet Halloween this year!  It rained all day, and we were worried that we were going to have a very difficult time trick-or-treating in the evening.  It would have been such a shame for Jimmy's first Halloween experience.  Fortunately, right as we were getting ready to leave, the rain stopped!  It stayed dry the whole time we were out, and it ended up being quite a beautiful evening.  Everyone was out at the same time, and the mood was quite festive!  Anna ended up with a ridiculously huge haul, and Jimmy ended up with a lot too (considering he's a baby and can't eat most of it!).  Ms. B was so cute while she was trick-or-treating: this was the first time she would go up to the houses by herself, ring the doorbell, say, "Trick or treat!" get the candy, and then say, "Thank you!  Happy Halloween!"  It was wonderful to see her be so excited about the evening and so polite at the same time.  Some people were so impressed at her manners that they ended up giving her more candy because of it!  Jimmy tried his first piece of Halloween candy when we got home (a 3 Muskateers), and, while he seemed to enjoy it, he didn't even finish the mini-size!

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