Thursday, November 5, 2009


I have never seen my little girl so motivated to work on a new skill. She has taken her new ability to stand on her own and is doing it whenever and wherever she gets a chance. Today she spent a lot of time practicing how to "cruise," or walk along furniture. I set up the living room so that she could go from her little piano to the couch to her walker to the ottoman. She got a kick out of being able to go from one to the other, and it's so cute to watch her trying to figure out how to do it. Looking at the pictures, you can just see the determination in her face! Tonight as I was washing up, Anna was sitting on the floor at my feet and started grabbing at the bathtub. Sure enough, she managed to pull herself up there too. She even managed to stand on her own for a second, without holding onto anything, before I freaked out and grabbed her! I should have waited to see how long she could do it, but I didn't even think before I reacted! Oh well, I'm sure she'll have plenty of time to practice that skill too. She is definitely going to give us a run for our money in the very, very near future!

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