Tuesday, December 22, 2009

11 Months!

My little girlie is 11 months old today! It's hard to believe that it's been almost a year since she came into our lives. What a difference she has made too; she adds such spirit and happiness to our home. We didn't do anything particularly special today. It was snowing a lot, so we had to forgo our walk, and I got a bit of cabin fever. We went to the grocery store, which was packed, but luckily I knew what we needed and it didn't take forever. I don't like grocery shopping much, but it is more fun when Anna's sitting in the cart, squealing and babbling at the top of her lungs! Then when we got home Anna finished her vegetables that she didn't finish earlier and took a long nap. By the time she woke up, Daddy was home! Now they're playing together (or rather Tim is playing with her Mozart cube as she crawls/cruises around...) while I update her blog.

Some fun things about Anna right now: when she crawls, she smacks her hands down really loudly on the floor. It's so cute, and you always know when she's coming!

She discovered my foot massager today; she loves how it spins around and lights up.

Her new favorite thing to do is open cabinets and take things out. What a fun game to play, especially since she has a knack for favoring the cabinets with the most dangerous products in it. Might I point out that I have had installing the cabinet locks on Tim's to-do list for over a month now. I guess I'll have to go out and get the easy-to-install kind, since he's a slacker.

Tomorrow we should be going downtown to visit Grammie and eat lunch, so that will be fun. The weather's supposed to be awful (sleet), but hopefully the weathermen will be wrong.

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