Thursday, December 31, 2009

So Big!

Anna's learned a couple new "tricks" lately. The cutest one is that when we ask her, "How big is Anna?" she has learned to put her hands up to show us "so big!" I love it. Of course, when you ask her almost anything she does that too. She'll also start clapping when you ask her to do Pat-A-Cake, so that's something. Her noises are adorable, and the "Oh, wow"s are one of her favorite exclamations right now. She can also wave and say, "Bah Bye," which is super cute. I'm loving my time home with her, but it's very quickly coming to an end. Oh well, that's life, I guess.

Her two little bottom teeth are slowly making their way up, so at least she won't be celebrating her first birthday with a toothless mouth! She's having tons of fun playing with her new toys, and she especially loves to throw them (much to my delight). Grammie got her this wiggly worm that dances to music when you push a button, and Anna pushes it over and over again. At least it's a fun song that I keep hearing over and over! She also points to everything now and jabbers with such meaning, it really makes me wonder what she's trying to tell me. Still no walking yet, but she can stand for a few seconds without holding on, she squats and stands back up with no trouble, and she gets around beautifully. Once she remembers how to sleep nicely in her crib through the night again, everything will be perfect!

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