Thursday, October 22, 2009

9 Months!

It's my little girlie's 9 month birthday today! It's difficult for me to believe that she's now been outside of me as long as she was inside! Unfortunately, today wasn't the prettiest day to have a birthday, since it's been chilly and raining. Yesterday she had her 9-month check-up, and she passed with flying colors! She weighs a hair under 19 lbs, she's 27.5 inches tall, and her head is 44 cm around -- the 50th % for everything, so she's as well-proportioned as they come! They had to draw blood from her arm for an anemia test, which made her extremely unhappy, and they also gave her a couple shots. Poor girl! Not to mention that she has to go back in a month to get her second flu shot, since for some reason babies have to get two. She's a trooper though; we gave her some Kix to snack on, and that made her happy again!

On Monday she started clapping her hands together, which is very exciting for me! She's been banging her hands on everything for a long time, plus she'll bang two toys together with no problem, but she refused to clap her hands until now! Her standing/pre-cruising is progressing nicely. I'm curious to know what will come next...

One of my favorite things about Anna right now is her sense of humor. She loves to giggle all the time, mostly at funny noises. Auntie Loonie discovered that she likes balloons, Grammie has found all her tickle spots, and I make her laugh with goofy things (like waving a blanket or her pants over her head. For some reason she gets a total kick out of that). For the past couple months she has been a Mommy's girl, so I can only hope that she stays that way :) Happy Birthday, Sweetheart!

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