Friday, October 16, 2009

Standing Banana

Yesterday my little Banana did something she's been trying to do for a very long time: pull herself up to standing. At least a month ago she actively started grabbing onto things (like the laundry basket) and trying to do it, but she was never able to figure out what to do with her feet; they always just seemed to get in her way. Then yesterday I was putting new batteries in her Sesame Street radio, and then I look at her next to me... and she's holding onto my shirt, standing there with a smile on her face! I couldn't believe it! She proceeded to do it two more times, probably just to make sure she could. She's definitely way more excited about this than rolling over, which she did about one time before deciding that she had had enough of that.

The last couple days she didn't sleep as well as usual, so I was wondering what was going on with her. She was waking up at 4 am when she generally sleeps until at least 7. Then she finally hit this milestone, and, sure enough, she slept perfectly last night! Her doctor has mentioned before that sometimes when babies are on the brink of a big development it can mess with their sleep routines, and I think she might be right! So I'm proud of my little Squirt, and I'm guessing that cruising... and *gasp* walking... are just around the corner! Where did my newborn go? Who is this big girl??

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