Monday, October 5, 2009

Progress With Standing

Anna is definitely on the verge of being able to pull herself up to standing. She gets her entire upper body off the ground, but then can't seem to find the right position for her feet. I helped her out a little bit this afternoon, and she was able to do it! She's already pretty decent at standing while holding onto something, but she's moving onto the next step pretty quickly. While I'm not in a hurry to have her running around and getting into everything, it's fun to see the progress she makes.

She was "reading" her Haunted House book today that Grammie got her, and there are some lights and spooky sounds on the last page... so she kept opening the book to the last page to hear/see them! It was too cute; she really figures things out quickly. She also has a knack for taking an interest in things that don't belong to her. For example, she loves remote controls and camera straps, and once she has it in her mind to get to them, there's no stopping her. I'm in for a fun toddlerhood with her! She is just as happy and sweet as can be though, so I can't complain. People can't believe that she is always so easy-going and smiley, but that's the way she is.

1 comment:

  1. yay for learning new me she will continue to amaze you. Great blogs!
