Friday, October 30, 2009

Gearing Up For Halloween

Last weekend we spent some time getting into the Halloween spirit. Being Anna's first one, I have been pretty excited to be able to experience this with her, not to mention having an excuse to act like a kid again! Saturday we went to an event sponsored by the Berwyn Park District, called "Safely Spooky Night." It's a free event at Proksa Park where local businesses give out candy, spooky creatures roam around, a huge bonfire took over the baseball field, and there were even hayrides (which I was very excited about, until Tim told us we didn't have time to wait in line). Anna is too young to be scared by any of it; she actually found everything funny, rather than scary.

Afterward, we went to our friends Matt and Lynette's house for a party. There was a lot of Beatles Rock Band to be played, as the entire Abbey Road album was just released for download. That was fun, but we ended up missing this cool game that the others played while we fed Anna. I don't even think I could describe what the game was. Oh well!

Finally, on Sunday, we went to Six Flags for Fright Fest. We ended up getting season passes since they're so cheap right now. That meant that we didn't have to worry about trying to get on as many rides as possible, which was good because it was very crowded that day. We went on the Whizzer, the Eagle, the Ricochet, the Octopus, the swings, the carousel, the observation deck, and saw a Halloween show. We also walked through this area called The Necropolis, which was pretty fun. Anna loved all the scary creatures! Luckily we were already on our way out when it started to rain!

So, although the weekend was incredibly busy, it was very fun! I think Anna's going to really enjoy this time of year when she gets a little older.

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