Sunday, October 4, 2009

First Post

So I have no experience whatsoever blogging, so I guess you could call this an experiment... Anna's just over 8 months old now (8 and 2 weeks, actually), and she is at such a fun age right now. She sits up very well, although she has just recently started to flop into a crawling position as she's sitting. Her crawling skills are developing, and although she pretty much just scoots backward right now, I'm impressed that she's gotten that far. She's never been a huge fan of being on her tummy, so I didn't think she'd ever have an interest in crawling. Plus she never got into rolling over much... she has been holding her weight since about 2 weeks old though, so she's a strong little girl. Some of the things Anna loves are:

Funny noises, especially when Mommy makes them. She squeals and giggles with delight every time!

Squash of any kind. It's her favorite food right now. She also tried Kix cereal for the first time today and loved it. She can feed herself pretty well.

Taking walks. She likes the stroller when she's with Grampy, but not with us (or at least not tonight). She likes it when I take her in the Baby Bjorn, and I like it better that way too!

Music; her favorite song is Yellow Submarine, but every time there's music playing she starts to "dance" (bob her head and sway from side to side or front to back). It's sooo cute.

Anyway, she just went to bed, which is a bit late for her, but she's sleeping well through the night again (about 9:30-7). Still no teeth, but I'm not complaining! I guess that's enough for a first post, so I hope I remember to keep this updated.

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