Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Birthday Party #1!!

Anna is such a lucky girl, because she gets to have TWO parties for her first birthday! So that means two cakes and tons and tons of presents! My family came over on Friday night (her actual birthday) to celebrate, because my parents were leaving for Hawaii the next morning. They brought pizza with them, which Anna ate with gusto. She actually ate an entire piece! I can't believe that. Then we opened some presents. Let's see if I can remember everything she got, because it sure was a lot! We gave her a Tinkerbell easy chair that rocks and a table/bench for her to play, color, and read. Auntie Loonie got her an aquarium lamp, fish maracas, 4 balloons, and her very own cell phone! I know she got her more, but I can't for the life of me think of anything else. Grammie and Grampy got her a See & Say, some new books, her first Little People set, and her very own set of Tiffany earrings! Dano gave her a bunch of new books, and one of them was Dr. Seuss' ABC's! We're so used to the condensed board book version that it's really neat to read the real thing! Uncle Dave sent her a drum that lights up, plays music and different sounds, and also does the ABC's! This little girlie is maybe a tad spoiled :) I just can't believe how much new stuff she got! She also had some cake and was nice enough to share a lot of it with Abbey. Then after hanging out with the fam for a bit and playing with her new stuff, it was time to say goodbye. Quite a busy day for my little one year old!

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