Thursday, January 28, 2010

Birthday Party #2!

Saturday was Anna's "official" birthday party, which we had at the YMCA that's right next to our house. I really didn't want a million people squeezed into our house in the middle of winter, so we rented a room there. It was a short party, but I think it was pretty fun. Anna got to have more cake (which was delicious and had bananas in the filling!), but then we didn't have enough time to open her presents. We ended up relocating to the Sky View Restaurant to open the presents and have a drink or two. She got all sorts of great stuff; lots of clothes and even more new toys. This little girl is going to have enough to keep her busy until she's 2! I think she had a fun time, but she got very tired and ended up going to sleep a bit early. She had to wait until the next day to play with most of her toys!

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