Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Daddy came home tonight!! Annie's reaction was priceless - she squealed and jumped and just got so excited that there could be no doubt that she remembered him! I'm sure that was a little fear of his. He was gone in the Philippines for 15 days, so it was quite a long stretch to be without him around. Although I managed to keep the house in order, it was a tiring stretch that left both of us sick. Poor little girl came down with a fever last night, so she started crying around midnight. I could tell that something was wrong (she almost fell asleep in her high chair while she was eating her cereal, and she felt a little warm at the time...), so I just let her sleep with me. I thought that would help make her feel better. She felt so hot that I gave her some Tylenol too, but she had a fitful sleep. I took her temperature in the morning and it was 101.4, the first time that she's ever really had a fever! I guess that's not bad considering she's just about a year old, but I still feel terrible because I know I'm the one who got her sick. She's such a trooper though; she cuddled with Grampy in the morning, but then she started playing and acting like her old self again. She took a long nap this afternoon, which must have messed up her schedule - she didn't want to go to sleep at bedtime! It gave her a chance to cuddle with Daddy though, so that wasn't so bad. She also got a chance to sit in her rocker and read books with him, which is just too cute. Welcome home, Daddy! We missed you!

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