Sunday, February 21, 2010

Miss Crabby Appleton

Anna hasn't been her usual super-happy self lately. She has become a very picky eater overnight, and she even throws tantrums sometimes! Her sleep schedule is off sometimes too; she has been much more tired, sometimes napping all day and sometimes wanting to go to bed as early as 7:00. Ha ha, of course tonight right as I type that she decides that she wants to stay up until 10:00. Who knows if this is just a passing phase, one of those goofy toddler changes, a drastic personality change, or she's just not feeling well. The whole family has been sick this past week, so it's possible.

Anna is testing us too and finding out what she can get away with. She wants to just have Kix as a meal sometimes, and that's what her tantrum was about tonight. She only ate a few bites of her shepherd's pie, but I didn't give in and let her have Kix instead. I just let her throw her fit and then dinnertime was over. Oh well. Hopefully she'll learn that I don't give in when it comes to those kinds of things. I wish I could have my happy eater back!

Last night Auntie Loonie babysat while Tim and I went to TGI Friday's for a date. Of course we love taking Anna with us, but it's nice to go out alone sometimes too. Plus I like giving Laura and Anna the chance to hang out together, because they have so much fun. Tonight was no exception; everyone had a great time. Of course, Anna was so excited about the evening that she didn't want to go to bed! I swear she was up forever before Tim finally just turned out all the lights and got her to doze off. Kids are crazy!!

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