Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Where's Anna?

Anna has learned some new tricks in the past couple days. I think Tim taught her how to show us how old she is, and it's just adorable that she knows how to respond when we ask her a specific question. She used to always respond the same way ("so big!") no matter what we asked her, so it's really neat that now she can tell the difference in what we're saying! She can distinguish between "how big is Anna?" and "how old is Anna?" It makes sense that she can hold up that one finger to show us her age, because she points to EVERYTHING! It's hilarious, because half the time I can't tell if she's actually trying to tell me something, or if she's pointing just because she thinks it's fun. I think she's just eager to discover what everything is, and maybe she wants me to tell her. Who knows what's going on inside that little head of hers?

Her other trick is to play peek-a-boo. She's been doing it with blankets and things for a while now, holding it up and pulling it away. But now she will do it with her hands. She will cover her eyes with her hands and wait for me to say, "Where's Anna?" before moving her hands away and smiling. It's adorable... but then again, pretty much everything she does is adorable to me!

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