Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Pachla Waterpark Weekend

All the cousins
This past weekend, all the Pachlas, Macchiones, and Schmucks went to Utica for a weekend at an indoor waterpark. I must admit that I was a little nervous after reading a bunch of negative reviews about the place, so I was pleasantly surprised walking into the cabin when we got there on Friday. It was beautiful, spacious, and comfortable. All the furniture was made of wood, there were fireplaces everywhere, and 3 floors. That means that we weren't all crammed into a tiny space, so that was nice. We were in a room downstairs with Matt and Alicia, and our room had its own fireplace and bathroom. There was a jacuzzi too, but we never used it. Friday night we got there kind of late, so all we did was hang out, have some meat loaf, and drink a little wine (there might have been a few bottles, not to mention endless amounts of food). Anna went to bed pretty late because of having a long nap on the ride over, but that was okay.

Saturday morning we went to the indoor waterpark. Anna was a little small for most of it, and she didn't seem very enthusiastic about the water. That was okay though, because she took turns snuggling with me and Daddy while we floated around the lazy river. There were a couple of tube slides that were pretty fun, so I rode both of them (one of them was a body flume, the other an inner tube). We went down this wide slide with Anna in our laps, so that was fun. There was also a kiddie pool, but we got kicked out of that pretty quickly so that they could add more chlorine. There was also a hot tub, but obviously that was out of the question with Anna. We spent a little time in the wave pool before Anna started getting sleepy. Then we went back to the cabin for some lunch and to get changed.

In the afternoon we went to the "Enchanted Forest" for some arcade games and rides. They had this one called the Grizzly which was a total hoot. It just arched around in a circle, but it gave you that airborne feeling that's totally exhilarating! Carrie took care of Anna for most of the time so that Tim and I could play games and ride some rides. That was great fun. I played lots of Ski Ball, because that game is the best, and they had one of those jumping games that I played at Dave and Busters a couple years ago. I earned lots of tickets, and we were able to get Anna a couple goofy little prizes. After we got back and had a nice spaghetti meal, the kiddos went to bed and we got to have more wine and play Apples to Apples. I did terribly, but it was nice to be able to do "adult" things with people for a change. All in all, a fun weekend for everyone. Anna had a blast playing with her cousins, and she even climbed the stairs for the first time! No spills, and she's really fast too, like she's been doing it forever! Such a smarty pants.

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