Sunday, February 28, 2010

It Happens So Fast

It seems like Anna's understanding more and more each day. She must understand a great deal of what we say, because she can respond and react quite well. For example, when we say certain words, like "eat," "milk," etc, she says "Yum!" and smacks her lips. Hilarious. She even understands when I tell her how many bites she has left before she can eat her Kix (which she thinks of as dessert). Tonight when I asked her to go pick out a book, she went over to the shelf, got one, and brought it over to me! Very impressive, I must say! She recognizes pictures of people too, including herself, and gets excited when she sees them.

Her vocabulary is slowly but surely expanding. Every time she sees a ball now she says, "Baa!" And she makes kind of a "jish" sound when she points to her goldfish crackers. Without fail, every time she sees The Count, she makes the "ah ah ah" sound, which is totally awesome. She is really trying to communicate with gestures and signing, although "more" pretty much means she wants to eat, and "water" doesn't always just mean water, but sometimes means food in general. She's getting there though, so that's what counts. She has started shaking her head sometimes too, but usually it's when she points to her Kix when she knows she can't have any yet!

Anna has gotten pretty good at her shape sorters and putting her alphabet magnets in the doghouse on the fridge. She loves putting objects into containers and taking them out, putting her farm animals in her barn, and throwing her blocks EVERYWHERE. She is, of course, an avid book reader and fan of music and will dance whenever any type of music is played. Really she is fair to all her toys and plays happily with everything she has, which happens to be a lot!

Yesterday we went to Ikea and got a new bookshelf for Ms. B's room, and we rearranged everything to make it all fit better. I like the results a lot; it's much more Squirt-friendly, and I think she agrees!

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