Saturday, March 20, 2010

Spring is Here?

We've been way too spoiled this entire week with unusually mild weather. It has made it into the 60s for the past couple days, but of course the temperature plunged just in time for the weekend - and the first day of spring. We have had snow all day today, with temperatures in the low 30s. Blah. Anna seemed to rather enjoy it, and she didn't seem to understand why we weren't going to the park today like we have been doing all week. It's pretty funny that now she can peek out the window or the door and point to the park across the street with excitement. She likes to walk on the different terrains: concrete, woodchips, grass, and sand. She seems most cautious with grass and sand, which doesn't make sense to me. She loves climbing the steps, going down the slides, and climbing through the tunnels, but doesn't like the swings much anymore. I think she just wants to be moving all the time right now instead.

Some other changes have occurred as well, such as her favorite snack. Kix must have gotten old, because now she favors puffs and goldfish (Grampy even got her her very own fish-shaped container!) She doesn't necessarily have a favorite book, but the Elmo Colors Game is in the rotation almost nightly. I can't say that she has a current favorite toy, because she pretty much plays with everything. Exploring, running, peaking in the shower if anyone is in there, and putting objects in containers are probably her favorite things to do right now. Naptime appears to be changing - looks like it's usually only 1 long nap a day now. Anna will be turning 14 months old on Monday! I just can't believe it. And Abbey will be 3 years old in a week! What an old dog!

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