Tuesday, April 13, 2010

New Language

Anna'a vocabulary is growing rapidly, but does it count when they're not real words? I'm not sure. In any case, I've already mentioned that "bebow" means park and "Oleo" (or Oyeo... Ogeo?) means dog. She also says "wabu wabu" for fish, both goldfish and regular. Obviously she will say "Ball" for ball, and she says "Hi" and "Bah bye." Tim is very excited that she says, "Da" when she sees or hears him, although she no longer seems interested in saying "Mama," much to my dismay.

Something else that's really cute is that she will answer questions by saying "ya," which I'm sure Stephen would love, since "ja" is so German and everything. It actually seems like she understands a lot of what I'm saying, like I'll ask her if she wants to get dressed, and she'll say, "Ya!" and run to her bedroom. Or I'll ask her if she wants to go for a walk, and she'll say "Yah!" again and run to the back door. I'll ask her if she loves Grammie, Grampy, Auntie Loonie, Daddy, etc, and she answers "Ya!" for that as well! If she's tired, however, and sucking her thumb, sometimes she'll simply make a "Hmm?" sound in response. If she's tired enough, she'll point to her crib, and I'll ask her if she wants to go in her cribbie. She says, "Ya," I put her in there, she cuddles up, and then she says, "Bah bye!" and goes to sleep! I find it AMAZING when she does that! What a wonderful girl she is, and so full of her own opinions now!

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