Thursday, April 8, 2010

Rocking Chair Revelation

Last night while we were at Grammie and Grampy's, Anna had a revelation. She figured out the proper motion to get the rocking chair moving properly. I know it doesn't sound like much, but up until yesterday she always just sort of rocked back and forth very quickly. It was cute the way she used to do it, but it wasn't very effective in getting the chair to move. After she had climbed the stairs a million times (which isn't much of an exaggeration, according to Grammie), she kept going into "her" room and getting into the rocking chair. I don't know what happened, but something clicked, she slowed down her movements, and the chair started rocking really well! She gets so proud of herself, and now she does it right all the time.

I've figured out another "word" that Anna says to mean something. "Oleo" is dog, for whatever reason. Anytime she points to Abbey or sees a dog, she says it. Very strange. She does also say "bow wow" for dogs, which is pretty cute.

She has an obsession with balls too. She can find a ball anywhere, whether it be in person, in a book, on the tv, it doesn't matter. Very enthusiastically she will exclaim, "BALL!" She gets very excited anytime she's able to communicate with us :-)

Anna is now able to identify her ears, head, nose, mouth, teeth, toes, feet, fingers, and hands. Wow!

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