Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Bike the Drive/Memorial Day

On Sunday we did Bike the Drive for the second time ever, and it was the first time Anna's ever done it! We woke up at about 5:15, and I think we started biking sometime around 7. It was an absolutely beautiful morning: clear, warm, and calm winds. There were TONS of people, but we were expecting that. I wasn't expecting there to be so many inconsiderate bicyclists, but I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Anna loves bike rides, so of course she enjoyed herself thoroughly; however, it was a bit too early for her. She started nodding off about halfway through the ride, which made all the female cyclists "awww" over her (can I blame them?) It was a short nap, and it seemed to help her perk up quite a bit. Afterward at the post-ride festival, she was just too squirmy and it was too crowded to really enjoy. That's alright though, because we were all tired and just needed to go home. We made a quick stop by Buckingham Fountain, since Anna had never been there and that's where Tim proposed and all. We spent about 3 minutes there, and then left. Lovely morning.

Memorial Day, however, was a different story. We've had beautiful weather all week, but the day that we are supposed to have our bbq ends up being thunderstormy. It was supposed to be scattered showers, but it rained nonstop all afternoon. We had to spend almost the whole party indoors, which I was hoping to avoid (after all that cleaning, who wants to have to immediately clean again?). Luckily the rain eventually stopped, and we quickly moved everything outdoors. We were able to get things relatively cleaned up, and then Anna and I went to bed early (we were both feeling pretty sick). What an exhausting (but fun) weekend!

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