Monday, June 21, 2010


I have been so bad about keeping up with this blog lately. Shame on me! I'm now home for the summer, which is absolutely wonderful. Anna is more fun than ever right now, because she understands an amazing amount of what we say, and she's even starting to show a little bit of imaginative play. Rather than trying to think of things we should do together to help pass the time, I'm finding that the time just flies by without us being able to do everything I was hoping for! It's been so long since I've posted that I'm not entirely sure what is new, but I know there are a few obvious things that Anna does now, like calling me "Mum." She also likes to climb on the ottoman (and anywhere else she can manage; she loves to climb), and blow kisses (although she puts her hand on the mouth of the person she kisses, rather than doing it herself. I think it's pretty cute). Every time someone drops something she says, "Uh oh!" She also says "hi" to everyone she sees, and sometimes, usually when she's tired, she likes to spin around! It's hilarious.

A couple of really cool things that I need to mention: Anna's love of music has grown tremendously. She will dance any time she hears something music-like, but her favorite song is still "I Saw Her Standing There." She stomps her feet, sways side to side, shakes her arms, bounces up and down, and then will do the "more" sign once the song has finished! Ha ha. She also likes "Where You Lead," "Yellow Submarine," and various Sesame Street songs.

She can also follow simple directions, although she doesn't always want to. If I ask her to bring me something, she will usually do it. Or if I tell her we need to pick out her outfit for the day, she will run to her room. Although she doesn't speak a ton of words yet, I think her comprehension is quite good, and her signing is pretty good too (she at least knows the ones we've taught her). She's even got some hair now too!

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