Monday, June 21, 2010

Utah - Planes and Bebows

A couple weeks ago we ventured off to Park City, UT so that we could have a little vacation and see my friend Erin, who I haven't seen since Tim and I got married. It was Anna's first plane ride, so I did a little reading on how to make it as pain-free as possible. She was a champ; she slept for about half of it (it was very early anyway), had some snacks, drank lots of milk, and played with some new toys that I picked up. We had great weather for the first couple days, then it got cold and rainy. Luckily it didn't stay that way, and we were able to do some more outdoor things near the end of the trip. I'll go through a little of the trip in this post and then break in down in a couple other posts, just so that it's not so much reading at once.

We went to lots and lots of bebows! Erin's kids love them, and obviously so does Anna. They even have a climber in their basement, so in the evenings the kids would go downstairs to play. Anna would climb and go down the slide over and over again! So we went to one right when we got there, we went to a couple in Erin's neighborhood, and also quite a few nice ones around Park City. Maybe they call it that for a reason!

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