Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Too Busy

It's been way too long since I've posted anything; we've just been so busy lately. Tim started a new job, and he also has his old one too. We've also been getting ready for our annual Memorial Day barbeque, and I've been busy gearing up for the end of the school year. Anna has been non-stop lately; I have no idea where she gets all her energy. We've been having a good time playing in the backyard lately, which I like better than the bebow because I don't have to hover over her quite as much. My goal recently has been to make our backyard a bit more livable, so we've cleaned it up, planted more flowers, cut down branches on the tree, gotten a patio umbrella, gotten an outdoor fireplace, and gotten Anna a playhouse.

Anna has obviously slowed down a bit with her developmental milestones, but there are a couple new things to report. She can blow kisses now, and she always says," Mah" when she does it (which is the sound that I unknowingly always use!). Sometimes she'll even hold out her hand so that she can put it on my lips for the kiss! Too cute! Tonight she finally said "Mama" again, which made me feel good! She's been avoiding saying it for months, even though it was one of the first things she ever said. The amount she comprehends seems to grow astronomically, and she is getting much better at feeding herself. Although she is still a relatively picky eater, she will eat chicken now (especially if it's breaded... and from Portillo's), and things don't always stay in her mouth for hours... usually.

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