Monday, June 21, 2010

Children's Museum

On Friday it was chilly and rainy, so we decided to go to Salt Lake City's children's museum... along with pretty much everyone else in Utah. It was very crowded, but fun! Anna really enjoyed this big red car that she pretended to drive, and she loved this area they had for kids under 3 - although the only thing she wanted to do there was go up this ramp and climb down the stairs over and over again. I thought she'd enjoy playing in the grocery store and riding the rocking horse thing they had, but she wasn't interested. She played in the water area for a bit, but most of the stuff seemed to be geared toward older kids. They had this little house where Lilly enjoyed ironing and Luke enjoyed making his "girlfriend" dinner, but Anna didn't stay in there long. I tried to get her to read stories with me, which she normally loves, but she didn't want to. Crazy kid. Of course, when we went to this big ball wonderland, she was in heaven. She loves balls, and we must have spent about an hour in just that area. All she wanted to do was put the balls through the tubes over and over and over again. It inspired Tim to want to build something similar in the basement, so we'll see if that actually happens. The kids all passed out in the car on the way back, which I think is an indicator of a successful day!

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