Thursday, July 8, 2010

4th of July

This year's July has been warm and sunny... until we got to the actual holiday. It rained off and on, but still, it was fun. We went up to Tim's Uncle Mike/Aunt Terry's house again, since they have a big party every year. It was hot enough to swim, but Anna was slow to warm up to the water. I think she's completely forgotten about her swim lessons from last year. Eventually though, she didn't mind being in the water, and eventually she would even let us splash her. We got to borrow an innertube for her to sit in, and she loved that too. She also loved their little "bebow," which had a slide and a swing, so much fun to be had. Anna definitely wasn't a fan of the bouncy house though... I think part of it was that the first time she was in there a bigger boy got in there too and was a bit too rowdy for her liking. There was also a 10 yr old there named Kennedy, who was very good at acting like a Mommy. She took Anna under her wing and played with her, pushed her in the swing, and helped her climb the climbing wall. I've never seen anyone so good at playing mom before! It was a nice relief too to have someone play with Anna who isn't me!

I'm posting 2 pictures of my Squirt - one from this year, and one from last year. How time flies!!

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