Thursday, July 8, 2010

Music Lover

It's no surprise to me that my daughter loves music, considering both her parents are musicians (not to mention that I'm a music teacher). It is pretty funny how opinionated she is about the songs she wants to hear, and how she wants to hear it ALL the time. She'll say, "Da?" and start to shake her hips - it's hilarious! If I put on a song that she doesn't want to hear, she will shake her head no until I find the right one. She even has her own playlist in iTunes, because one day I played a bunch of random songs to see which ones she liked best (I was getting just a tad tired of hearing "I Saw Her Standing There" 10,000 times a day). Turns out that, in addition to loving that song, she also really likes "Where You Lead" (duh), "Yellow Submarine," and "We Can Work It Out." That last one is the most recent favorite, and I'm very excited because that's one of my favorites too! Sesame Street is still her favorite CD, and now she knows how to turn it on when she's in her room. I will be VERY excited when she figures out how to sing along with these songs!

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