Monday, July 12, 2010


Anna had her first Non-Mommy sleepover on Friday! Tim and I went to the Carole King/James Taylor concert, so Grammie and Grampy took care of her for the evening. She did WAY better than expected! When I left her in the afternoon, she was sharing a glass of sweet tea with Grampy and didn't cry at all. Then Grammie got home and they had pizza (she had 2 1/2 squares! sheesh!), and they went for a walk and to the bebow, and then had some ice cream later. She loved her "auxiliary" car seat that they have, because she got to be a forward-facing hotshot. When she got tired later in the evening, she basically told Grammie that she wanted to go to her cribbie (which they had set up in their bedroom). Went to bed with no incident, slept all night... and in the morning woke up and said, "Hi!" Never once did the little girlie cry or ask for me, and she had a wonderful time! I can't believe how big she's gotten, being able to have sleepovers without me! It definitely makes me happy that it was so successful, and we're planning on doing it again sometime soon!

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