Tuesday, July 27, 2010

My Little Monkey

All this time I thought I had a child, but no, she's a monkey. ALL she does all day is climb on everything. She has figured out how to get on the couch, the recliner, the rocker, the ottoman, up the stairs, and on all the kitchen chairs. It's a bit unnerving to see her so nimble and clever. She's quite a problem solver, and she can usually figure out how to get herself where she wants to go. At the park I'm amazed at all the things she can do now. So many places she can climb and maneuver, when just a short time ago she wasn't able to do hardly any of it on her own. My little monkey is growing up FAST.

She can pretty much go down any slide on her own, she can climb some of the crazy steps/walls/ladders that practically give me a heart attack, she loves the bouncy cars and dinos and whatnot, she loves playing in the sand and using her sand tools, and of course she loves the swings. We've had quite a great and busy summer of our "tour de bebow."

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