Monday, July 19, 2010

Miss Independence

Every day it seems like Anna wants to do something new by herself. First she started with brushing her teeth (although she just sucks on the toothbrush), then she wanted to wash her hands on her own, sometimes she refuses to eat unless we let her feed herself, and now she wants to push the stroller and pull the wagon, rather than riding in them! She's also getting better at going down the stairs; she takes them very cautiously and can generally do okay; this is something that I'm very, very glad she's working on! This weekend I got some great stuff for her, including her own table and chairs. She got to try them out in Utah and loved them, and now she hates to sit in her high chair. Anytime that I say it's time to eat, she runs to her "big girl" chair and sits in it. Too cute.

She also got her very own Tigger doll, having already gotten Winnie the Pooh and Eeyore. She LOVES him, maybe because he sits up really well on his own. She has been posing him all over the house... having him sit in her chair, on her step stool, on the ottoman. She gets a kick out of it! We also got this fun wall light that is shaped like a flower (or wahwee, if you're Squirty), but I haven't decided the best place to put it yet. I also found this neato collapsible tunnel at IKEA that I thought looked fun, and Anna has been playing with it delightfully for the past couple days!

Have I mentioned her belly-button obsession? I don't remember. She plays with it almost every time she sucks her thumb (mainly when she's tired), but she also looks for it occasionally - and checks for other people's too! If I dress her in an outfit that keeps her from easy access, she's pretty unhappy about it. Such a nutcase!

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