Tuesday, July 27, 2010

A Dream Come True

Before Anna was born, I remember sitting in the rocker (which happens to be Rabbie's) in her future nursery and imagining what it would be like after she was born. I imagined snuggling with her in the rocker and reading a book together. Sunday evening, Anna and I were sitting in the rocker and looking at a book together, and it occurred to me that it was exactly the way I had dreamed it would be those years ago. When she was younger and I'd read to her there, it wasn't the same because I knew that she didn't understand what I was saying or what we were doing. She's able to follow the books now and look at the pictures and interact while I read to her. It was such a peaceful and happy moment. We don't get a ton of those these days, since Anna has the attention span of a toddler. It's really difficult to sit down and read books together, because she can't sit still for that long. Having her able to relax for a bit with me and snuggle was definitely magical.

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